Thursday, August 28, 2008

Auto Pilot

A car is a group of articles or information, to be sent separately in a certain period of time by e-mail. People e-mail on your answering machine to get the course is free and automatically over time. You can use the auto-monitoring for Autoresponders used by each search engine. Ten funds in order to exploit its transport and sales.

1st Give your course as a bonus for the purchase of one of its main products or services. People buy their products faster if they have a bonus.

2nd If you write and give free access to a course that will go down in history as an expert. That is to win the confidence of the population and they buy their main product is faster.

3rd Let add their free rein to their own product packages. Your customers see your ad at the time of purchase.

4th The people who like the gifts. An answering machine is completely free rein. They visit the site for the release of valuable information.

5th People receive their courses free of charge, if the e-mail addresses from 3 to 5 friends or partners who would be interested.

6th Allow other people can run free. This is the number of people see your ad in the course.

7th You could use the advertising space on the way to other forms of advertising. It could be banners, e-zine ads, the site ads, etc.

8th Gain new ways for people to give themselves and their coordinates before your automatic response.

9th Regalar answering the course as a gift for your customers as a way to tell her that you enjoy their company.

10th Regalar course for people who move their program. This is the number of persons.

11st Earn money by selling advertising space on his course. You can for small classified ads or sponsor ads.

12nd Get the free advertising by the presentation of his current free on the Internet pages. This is the number of persons whose ads on the track.

13rd Earn money by selling the remake rights for those who want to sell. You can find more money by selling the rights of masters.

14th Hold a contest on your site so that the people their way to win. You get free advertising when you compete for your free directories.

15th They provide valuable information to say to other people on their courses. The word-of-mouth advertising can be very effective.

16th Earn money through the promotion of education with other persons, products or services. This technique allows to double their efforts, marketing

17th Improve your e-zine subscribers enter your course people subscribe to your e-zine. This will allow people an incentive to sign.

18th I members of his group to use the free rein, as a means of promoting your product. Each lesson May also an affiliate link.

19th Support from other affiliate programs for companies to run on their answering machine. A combination of different participants in each lesson.

20th Advertising other product or service each lesson. If only one, use different emotional response ads in each lesson.

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